Forum rules
Try to make your contribution unique. Use the upvote button to indicate simple agreement with an existing post.
Try to communicate your thoughts concisely, and in plain English. Avoid excessively long posts. Don't use ALL CAPS.
Try not to make low-effort or unmerited posts. Comments of this sort may be removed.
Try to stay on topic. If needed, request that a new category/topic be created.
Try to provide supporting evidence for any arguments you make. Also, encourage active debate by posting links to contrary arguments/evidence where these exist.
Try to be civil and constructive. Engage in good-faith with members who may hold different opinions to yours. Any comments containing personal insults will be removed and the offending member sanctioned.
Don't bully, harass or threaten other members. Also, don't incite annoyance or offense. No member need reply to another member's comments or questions.
Don't post or link to inappropriate or illegal material. Inappropriate content is anything that may offend or is not relevant to the forum, and may include defamatory or abusive content, sexual or suggestive material, or content that incites violence.
Don't link to paywalled news or other content, or copy paywalled content to any forum. Don't post or link to content that infringes someone else’s copyright or intellectual property rights.
Don't post personal information about another member, including email addresses of any person, member or otherwise.
Don't post anything that could be considered intolerant of a person's race, culture, appearance, gender, sexual preference, religion, age, or any disability.
Don't be obscene and don't use foul language.
Don't post any content which promotes commercial interests.
Don't post comical or satirical material to a forum not expressly created for that purpose.
Don't complain about forum moderation on the site; you may send a note to if you are unhappy with a moderator’s decision.
Don't flag content merely because you disagree with it. Moderators will only remove content or take other action if a comment breaches these rules.
Comments or member behaviour not according with the rules above may be dealt with as follows:
Removal of comment
This can occur for any comment that, in the view of a moderator, violates these rules. -
Permanent suspension
A participant who posts or links to offensive or illegal material will be immediately blocked from the site and referred to the Management Committee. -
Temporary suspension
A member who violates other rules may be suspended from access to the member forum for up to two weeks as determined by a moderator. A referral to the Management Committee will be made for any member with more than two temporary suspensions in a calendar year.